Learn about the mitzvah of Maakah—to construct a fence around a rooftop to protect against a hazard. Discover an interesting exception to this obligation and the reasoning behind it as we compare and contrast different situations, and in the end, apply their spiritual dimension to our life. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 24 Ki Seitzei sicha 2)
Does G-d pay His workers on time?
The Torah commands that a laborer's payment not be withheld even a day. G-d Himself, our Sages tell us, observes the very commandments He obligates us to fulfill. How then does G-d not immediately reward man for his/her service of Him, deferring man's reward to the 'World to Come'?! (Likutei Sichos, Ki Teitzei volume 29)
Learn about the mitzvah of Maakah—to construct a fence around a rooftop to protect against a hazard. Discover an interesting exception to this obligation and the reasoning behind it as we compare and contrast different situations, and in the end, apply their spiritual dimension to our life. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 24 Ki Seitzei sicha 2)
Learning Likutei Sichos vol. 19, Ki Seitzei sicha 1
The mitzvah of sending away the mother bird from amid its young is associated with the reward of long life. We examine the Siyum (conclusion) of tractate Chullin and look to reconcile conflicting teachings regarding whether there is reward for a mitzvah in this world.
Chana’s Prayer and Rosh Hashanah
On Rosh Hashana we read in the Haftorah about the birth of the prophet Samuel. Childless for many years, one year on Rosh Hashana, his mother Chana offered a prayer that elicited the Divine blessing resulting in his birth. The Talmud states that Chana's prayer is the model which all prayer aught emulate. This class will explain how to access the awesome power of prayer any time and especially on Rosh Hashana. (Likutei Sichos vol. 29, p.182)
"And it will come to pass on that day that the great shofar will sound...” The prophecy goes on to describe the in-gathering of Jews 'lost' and 'dispersed' in exile, as they return to Jerusalem in the final redemption. This class will explore the profound meaning of the “sound of the great shofar” and will reveal the startling and exhilarating secret that the sound has already begun. (Based on the Maamar V'hayah Bayom Hahu 5728)
A Rosh Hashanah Primer
Our sages reveal that G-d's ultimate objective in creation is that the world be transformed into a home for Him, which means He desires a place of privacy and intimacy. How is this to be reconciled with the more universally expressed intent for creation—that G-d's Kingship be established on earth, when monarchy and intimacy are virtually opposite states?
The Paradox of Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah is the day each year when we reaffirm and deepen our allegiance to G-d. The sounding of the shofar gives expression to our 'coronation' of G-d as our personal Monarch and as the Supreme King of Kings of all creation. This class will address the puzzling fact that nary a hint of this is to be found in Scripture where we are enjoined to observe this sacred day. (Based on various sources in Chassidic literature.)
In-depth study of the High Holiday prayers
Each lecture presents a fascinating anthology of a particular part of the unique liturgy of the Machzor, delving into the history, structure and deeper meanings of the prayerful literary tapestry we call Davening. This series is sure to make your praying experience more profound on Rosh Hashanah!
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